Tuesday, 23 October 2007

B.I.B.L.E. - Basic instructions before leaving earth...

Lord help me to stop sinning! You are divine! You paid for my sins!

I used to question the authenticity of the Bible... The Bible, made up of 66 books, penned by 40 different authors over thousands of years... is this a conspiracy? would people die for a conspiracy if Jesus was lying or if he was a lunatic? As I search for more evidence, I doubt that less... 300 prophecies all pointing towards one man and what He was to do... the message remains the same... Jesus Christ fulfilled ALL of them...

Prophecy About Jesus ...

Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies written at least 250 years before his birth. The chance of any one person fulfilling only 8 of these prophecies is 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000 (1 in 10 to the 17th power). Even a skeptic should realize that's so improbable it must be supernatural. Now that is a very small number, lets see how small: Suppose we take 10 to the 17th silver dollars and lay them on the face of Texas; they will cover the entire state of Texas two feet thick. Now lets put an X on one of the silver dollars, mix them all up, and get a blind man to pick one. The chance that he will get the one with the X is 1 in 10 to the 17th power [McDowell, Evidence, pg 107]. Not only was His virgin birth foretold of, but also the details of His sufferings on the cross; His betrayal; His mock trial; the fact that He wouldn't speak any words to defend Himself; the gambling of the Roman guards to see who would take home His cloak; and how He was beaten in the face so badly you couldn't recognize Him. And a hundred other things too...

I used to think that the names were the most boring part of the Bible... Check this out and see what God can do! haha.. He amazes me everytime...

If the meanings of the names are put together, the message in the Bible is still the same... It's about Jesus... All these codes, taken from the Bible, no outside material, no Da Vinci code, no paintings, just the Bible, inspired by God himself...

Biblical Genealogy from Adam(Seth's line) to Jesus, the meaning of the names...

Adam - man
Seth - appointed
Enosh - mortal
Kenan - sorrow
Mahalalel - the blessed God
Jared - shall descend/shall come down
Enoch - teaching
Methuselah - his death shall bring
Lamech - the despairing
Noah - comfort/rest

Shem - fame (of)
Arphaxad - stronghold of Chaldees (Babylon)
Canaan - (and) sorrow
Shelah - send/extend
Eber - the region beyond/the other side
Peleg - (of) division
Reu - friend
Serug - branches out
Nahor - snorting/snoring/breathing hard
Terah - wandering

Abram/Abraham - The father of a great multitude
Isaac - laugh(s)
Jacob/Israel - takes the heel/outwits/a mighty one/righteous prince of God
Judah - praise
Perez - break(s) forth (into)
Hezron - court/village/enclosed area by a wall
Ram - elevated
Amminadab - (where) my noble people (are safe from)
Nahshon - sorcerer/false prophet
Salmon - clothed/reward
Boaz - in strength

Obed - servant
Jesse - there is
David - one well loved/beloved
Solomon - peaceful
Rehoboam - one who sets the people at liberty

Abijah - the Lord is my Father
Asa - healer
Jehosaphat - the Lord has judged
Jehoram - exalted by Jehovah
Ahaziah - seizure/held by Jehovah
Joash - the Lord is strong

Amaziah - the Lord is mighty

Uzziah - Jehovah has helped
Jotham - the Lord is perfect
Ahaz - He has grasped/took hold of
Hezekiah - strength of the Lord
Manasseh - causing to forget misery

Amon - the master builder
Josiah - whom the Lord healed
Jehoiakim - Jehovah raises up
Jeconiah - whom Jehovah appointed

Shealtiel - I have asked God
Pedaiah - (about) the ransomed
Zerubbabel - seed of Babylon

Abuid - my father is majestic
Eliakim - God will raise up
Azor - helper
Zadok - just/righteous
Akim - the Lord will raise up

Eliud - God is my praise
Eleazar - God is my helper

Matthan - (the) gift (of)
Jacob - Jacob
Joseph - increase
Jesus - God with us

Biblical geneaology of Adam to Jabal (Cain's line/ungodly line)

Adam - man
Cain - brought forth
Enoch - instructing
Irad - one running wild
Mehujael - smitten of God
Methushael - his death is of God
Lamech - despair
Jabal - overflows

By the way... there is a secret acrostic in the hebrew language... which reads...

Adam to Enoch - I will select
Irad to Methusael - peoples
Lamech to Jabal - for myself

Adam to Enosh - I will forgive
Kenan to Jared - my enemies,
Enoch to Lamech - having compassion,
Noah to Arphaxad - forgiving
Shelah to Reu - those of dust
Serug to Abram - a second time...

there's a lot more on google about equidistant letter sequences, Bible codes in the chinese language, KJV pictorial Bible codes but I suggest not reading too much about it because, we're supposed to show the love of God to others, not use the Bible to predict future events... The message remains the same throughout though... Jesus Christ died for your sins... will you accept Him as Lord and Saviour of your life today?

Dear Lord, I'm a sinner and I've sinned against you, I ask you now to forgive me of my sins and come into my heart. I want to start living right for you. I thank you for dying for me, I thank you for saving me, be the Lord of my life, in Jesus name. Amen.

If you prayed that prayed and meant it, you're now saved, the next step is to contact a bible believing church and grow in the faith... It won't be an easy walk, but God is there and He promised He would help you... God bless...

Monday, 22 October 2007


Friday, 12 October 2007


How many times have we mentioned facebook to someone today?
Why do we all keep saying I'm fat?
Why do we all keep saying I'm busy?
Why do we all keep saying I'm tired?
Does the music you listen to hint at anything sexual?
How many times do we promise to pray for someone then go about doing our own business?
Can you really reach people for the kingdom when you go clubbing?
Why do we act so surprsied when someone get healed or when someone gets 'saved'?
Does money drive us?
Why do we celebrate death and wear dead people on their T-shirts?
Do we really have to spend that much time and money on our hair?
Do we really have to spend that much time and moeny on makeup?
Do we really have to spend that much time and money on clothes?
How many of us actually read our Bibles?
How many of us actually know the salvation plan?
Why do we watch Hollywood movies which promote everything ungodly?
Why do we mention the things we used to be and give glory to it before Jesus was our Lord and Saviour?
Why do we reply merely with 'cool' when someone tells us that someone has turned to Jesus?
Since when did gospel music become no longer reverent worship but a commodity?
Do we actually love our boss the way Jesus would want us to?
Do we feel angry because the person we hate has found Jesus and think they should go to hell instead?
How often do we mix world and kingdom principles?
Isn't the feeling of being seen as a pimp and that you're popular with girls somewhat shallow?
Isn't the feeling of being seen as unattenable cause you have high standards and no guy can get you somewhat shallow?
Do we follow the music stars and actors and actresses for fashion statements?
What's the last unselfish act of love you did for someone?
Do we watch pornography or read Jackie Collins romance novels when no one is looking?
Why do we watch Harry Potter or charmed when we wouldn't want any physical witch or wizard in our house chanting mantras?
How often do we criticize pastors for preaching prosperity?
How often do we criticize pastors for preaching too much about Pentecost, Lent, Easter, Christmas and not enough about day to day living?
How many of us sleep during prayer time?
How many of us sleep during sermons?
How many of us actually like going for prayer meetings?
How many of us prefer the fellowship rather than the message?
Do we take the worship team practice as just another regular jam session?
Why do we promote our businesses in the temple of God?
How often do we criticize the PA team for equipment that isn't working properly during service?

Do we really have to view who's viewed us in friendster?
Do our jokes about people poke fun at them as a person and not about the situation?
How many times have we called someone an idiot or a moron?
Are we really patient when we drive?
Do we have to check our reflection everytime the doors close in the MRT or Tube?
How often do we check our reflection as we walk by buildings with glass?
Is sleeping late really that good for us?
Do we indulge in food?
Are we addicted to computer games?
How many hours do we spend on your blog or someone else's?
Do we really give 10% or more to God?
How many of us actually have childlike faith?
Are we atheistic Christians, having the form of Godliness but denying it's power?
Is soccer really that important?

Are we too physical in a relationship?
Why do we go to arcades to escape from parents?
Why do we always complain about the weather?
Can you go a day without using your computer?
Are we thankful our partners are coming to us to complain instead of someone else?
Do we really appreciate our parents?
Do we really love our siblings?
How many of us think we can live our lives without help from our Christian siblings?
Do you see marriage as a life sentence?
Are we thankful our husbands and wives come to us for sex instead of someone else?
Why do we judge so much?
Why do we complain so much?
Are you having any thoughts right now as to whether the author of this post is attacking you, being judgemental and unloving?
How many of us are just going to go away after reading this post, going 'whatever' and carrying on with our lives?