Friday 4 April 2008


I've been doing a lot of thinking these past few months... About friends and how to witness to them... It feels like so much of a challenge sometimes when whatever you're saying is not going through to them... I've been giving trying to prove biblical facts, giving out gospel tracks, inviting some to church, debating with a few... All this to no avail... And I wonder, God, why is what I'm doing not working... These past few weeks, months, I've been constantly discouraged, disheartened at the response of a lot of friends...

A few weeks ago, I came back to Basingstoke... and saw a DVD my father bought... it was about the end times and revelation and all... we were watching behind the scenes footage at lunch one day... I suddenly saw this interesting video of how there was on-the-street evangelism going on... I checked out the website

Then I suddenly realised my approach in evagenlising... too many people go for the intellect... proving God exists... this website talks about going for the conscience... interesting... It dawned on me that I had to really show I cared about the people I was talking to... instead of trying to prove them wrong, trying to win arguments, etc... I saw how they talked to gang members, druggies, rebels... etc...

People can tell if you really care about them or if you have that self-righteous look on your face... saying I'm right about this and you're not... Time to re-think my approach in talking with people... I'm gonna put some missions up on the blog soon... exciting :)


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